Five ideas to Help with Cleaning when you have ADHD

Cleaning can be hard when you have ADHD. Here are 5 ideas that can help.

Tips for Cleaning and Organizing with ADHD

Cleaning and organizing can be a daunting task, especially for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Here are some tips to help make the process a little easier.

The Big Box

When cleaning a room, collect all items that don't belong in that space in a box. This will help you stay focused on the current room and make the task of organizing less daunting. Once the room is clean, you can either move on to another area and add to the box or put the items in their correct locations. This method not only helps you stay organized but also helps you avoid getting sidetracked by items that don't belong in your current workspace.

Cleaning Mis en Place

Cleaning "mis en place" is a great way to stay organized while cleaning. It involves organizing all the cleaning supplies you need in a basket so you have them in one place. This ensures you have everything you need and helps you stay focused on the task without forgetting anything. You won't be constantly looking for things you need for the task and getting distracted. This method can also save you time because you don't have to go back and forth to get cleaning supplies.

Say No to Perfectionism

People with ADHD are particularly prone to overestimating the amount of time it will take to finish cleaning or organizing. It's important to remember that even just doing a small amount of tidying can make a big difference. Don't worry about being perfect, just focus on getting started. For example, just give the sink a quick wipe if you don't have enough time to clean the bathroom. Just clean a few dishes if you don't have time to load them all. If you do bits and pieces of cleaning over the week or day, it will add up.

Don't Take Off Your Shoes, and Don't Sit Down

If you have ADHD, it is important to keep moving to make it easier to transition from one task to another. If you sit or lay down, it can be hard to get back up and continue working. Avoid sitting down when you get home from work and keep your shoes on. This will help you remain active and, therefore, more easily switch between tasks. This is especially important for people with ADHD, as transitioning between tasks can be difficult.

Try Finding a Body Double

Having a friend to help you clean when you have ADHD can be hugely beneficial. It is important to make sure you pick someone you trust to help you with this task. One way to make it more manageable is to take turns cleaning each other's houses. This way, you can support and keep each other accountable. Not only will this help to keep your house clean and organized, but it will also help to improve your relationship with your friend.

Take Five

The Take Five Method is a technique that can be used to break procrastination and get tasks done quickly. To use this method, you can set a timer for five minutes or complete five tasks related to the task at hand. This could be something like folding five pairs of underwear or five pairs of socks if you have laundry to fold. By breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable chunks, you can complete the task faster. This method can also help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your cleaning and organizing tasks.

Remember, cleaning and organizing doesn't have to be a dreaded task. With these tips, you can make the process more manageable and enjoyable.

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